S1E46 - AZARIAH - That Could be Me

11 months ago
Speaker A:

There is, unfortunately, no escaping physics. Bound by the speed of light, even information must take its time to get birth going. And as we move farther into the void, that time grows until the distance becomes unspeakable.

Speaker B:

God. Okay, so I just got another message from Francisco, like, literally just now. And it I'm not gonna lie, it freaked me out bad. Kind of losing my mind. Well, okay, so first of all, his name's not Francisco. It's I better not say it on air, but it's not Francisco. And he was an Agnes Day engine pilot. Like, a couple years older than me. His engine fell right at the end of my first full year of active duty. Engine and pilot, both marked down as lost. We weren't, like, tight. I didn't recognize his voice at first, but it's definitely him. He's awake in there. At least I think he is. I don't think he's making the calls. I think his engine is just using him as a mouthpiece. But it's different than what happened to me. I can tell. So now I'm just sitting here thinking if me and Calamity Dawn fell together, if that fallen engine had turned us both, infected us or whatever the hell, like, dude, that could be me. I can't help him. At this point, he probably doesn't want help. That engine is doing something to him, changing him, altering his memories. But I can't do anything about it. So I got to just get west on his way and support Hannah babe and the boys however I can.

Speaker C:

Azariah. Can I come in?

Speaker B:

Yeah, sure. I'm not leaving right now.

Speaker C:

You should go with them.

Speaker B:

Fuck, Benny, you just lost your dad. I can't bail on you guys.

Speaker C:

Can't try to tell me that you're happy here. Come on, man. I've been watching you wither up since you got off the transporter plate. You really think I'd ask you to stay?

Speaker B:

Come with me. Bring Alf and Hannah babe and get the fuck off this rock.

Speaker C:

No, I can't. Hey, Azariah, look at me. We'll be okay, all right? Me and Alf and Hannah babe will figure it out. And now Wes is almost done with transporter and he's prepared to go alone to help his friend, so he actually needs you more than we do right now.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

So why don't you go get your bag? I'm going to go to the kitchen and pack you to a lunch while west runs his final diagnostics. And I'll meet you at the transporter. Okay?

Speaker B:

But you guys are shorthanded.

Speaker C:

We'll manage. We always do. The old man, he knew you didn't belong here forever. You'd understand?

Speaker B:

Dude, I'm sorry.

Speaker C:

Yeah, me, too. Go on.

Speaker B:

Okay. Let me just finish up with the terminal and then I'll yeah, okay. Okay. So, Lex, I probably can't call you anymore. I guess. I'm technically a preservation deserter now, so I'm not going to explain where I'm going or what I'm doing or anything. Not that I could, because I'm not the guy with the plan. But if you get this, I don't want to implicate you. So don't. Listen, man. Please don't try to find me, okay? The last thing I want is you getting dragged into all this shit. So just let me disappear, all right? It's better that way. I'm sorry, Homie. I I want to see you again so bad. But I can't come back after the you know, after everything I said. And this guy needs a pilot. And talking to you is, like, the only reason I haven't gone all the way off the fucking deep end out here. So thank you. For real. I owe you my literal life. This is Azeriah below the sky. Former mobile engine pilot. First class Flight ID 26691. Call sign Eurydice signing off.

Speaker D:

Unspeakable Distance is an actual play. Podcast of communication delay by audio Quinn. A link to the game's itch IO page and credits for our players are available in the show notes linked to this episode. This podcast has been a production of the Library of Cursed Knowledge Podcast network.

Unspeakable distance is an Actual Play podcast of Communication Delay by Audioquinn

Today's episode was written and performed by Kasha Mika and features Ari Ingalls.

This podcast is production of the Library of Cursed Knowledge Podcast network. You can find us on twitter or on our discord.